Monday, December 20, 2010

1. Name the secondary school teacher who has most influenced you and briefly explain why.

Teacher Name

Subject(s) and Academic Year(s)


He/She has influenced me because:

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2. What subjects most interest you and why? (Note: This is not a commitment to major in this area.)

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3. Do you have a tentative (or firm) career plan (or dream)? Please describe it.

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If any members of your family (immediate or extended) have attended Carleton, please list their names, relationships to you, and graduation years.

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4. Why are you interested in Carleton College and how did this interest develop?

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5. From your reading, whether children's books or classics, what books or authors have particularly impressed you and why?

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6. If you would like to report additional information to Carleton that you did not report in the Common Application additional information section, please do so here.

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